Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Q&A with Immanuel Gamble

Our Week 4 Outstanding Player of the Week, Immanuel Gamble, was kind enough to answer a few questions for us about his football career and his recent performance last week which earned him our recognition.

(Photo credit to Holly Green)

The Numbers:
In last week's game against the Crown College Storm, the junior RB for the Greenville Panthers put up impressive numbers by rushing for 207 yards and a touchdown on just 18 carries for an average of 11.5 yards per carry. He currently has a commanding hold on the UMAC rushing leaderboard averaging 133 yards per game - 37 yards more per game than the runner with the next highest average (who also happens to be his quarterback) - Brendan Chambers.

Congratulations again to Immanuel, we wish you the best of luck through the rest of the season. Keep up the hard work!


What is your first football memory?My first football memory was when I was 6 at the end of my first ever football practice in which we did nothing but running and conditioning the whole practice. I got home and I was so tired I could barely walk up the stairs. At the time it was the worst feeling I had ever experience because I had never been pushed so hard physically up until that point but that was a part of the foundation that helped shape me to be the man I am today.

What was the biggest key to your individual success in last week’s performance?The biggest key was the studying of film and working with the coaches to find the specific insert points and cut back lanes that I would probably have to hit against that week’s opponent.

Where does your recent performance rank for you on your list of individual best games?In college play so far I would have to say it would rank about 4th or 5th, but on the all-time list It would most likely be in the late teens or early twenties.

What did you eat for breakfast on game day?Pancakes(no syrup), eggs, sausage, and two apples

What is the biggest area you want to improve upon moving forward?I want to improve on fine tuning my insert points

What is going to be the key to your team succeeding this week?If we do our assignments as we were taught and eliminate some of the mental errors that we were having, then we will succeed

What is on your pregame music playlist?I don’t like to listen to music anymore before a game. I used to in high school just because others did, but now I like to go to a quiet place alone and envision what I have to do for that particular game to make sure I will mentally be ready for play.

Who is your favorite NFL athlete?My favorite player of all time is Barry Sanders. He was a human highlight reel. I’m not going to lie, I have been trying to steal some of his moves but I don’t think anybody can do them like Barry.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?I see myself working as a physical therapist, hopefully somewhere in or close to the St. Louis area.

What, if any, are your gameday rituals?-I wake up and have breakfast with the team
-Most of the time try and talk to my dad on the phone for some words of encouragement
-Attend the pre-game walk through with the team
-Get dressed and then meditate on my game assignments
-Then right before the game I get fired up with my teammates

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